Sunday, March 22, 2009

Experts Draw Connection Between Dental Care And Baby’s Health

Thursday, March 05, 2009 2:37:34 PM

by News 13's Christine Webb

The Orange County Health Department just got a $100,000 grant from the Blue Foundation for a Healthy Florida to help educate and get pregnant women the help they need for their teeth.

The check presented during a press conference will help with a new program linking women of child bearing age to affordable dental health care -- all to help reduce infant death in Orange County.

The goal is to link at least 300 pre-conceptual or pregnant women to preventative dental treatment services by providing oral health exams and cleaning services.

sources: Experts Draw Connection Between Dental Care And Baby’s Health

Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Right Set of Teeth

Wear and tear of teeth takes place, as the days go by. The very popular concept of dental implant has caught everyone’s eye, as it’s a revolutionary method for supporting replacement of teeth. Dental implants are usually used as a stabilization method for the lower denture. Confidence of the wearer has consistently improved with implants as it aids in the stability. For those wanting dental implant procedures, many dental offices in New York City boast of valuable experience in dental implant research and surgery. You can get the proper fit with the right dentist on time or maybe even just one sitting.

Dental implants will give you support with increased confidence, a warmer smile, like just natural teeth along with better ability to eat right. They’re a number of city dentist doctors in New York. Modern technology has immensely widened the horizons and has opened many doors to latest method of exploring the face and for making your teeth even brighter and whiter. With Laser whitening teeth, it helps in enhancing your smile with a relatively painless, simple and easy method.

City dentistry restorative New York makes it quite simpler for the customers who want or require a changed appearance. With the new methods available one does not have to wait for too long, and you can return with an impressive set of teeth at the earliest

With an attractive smile you know that you are one above the rest since it becomes much easier to please other people. We all want a perfect smile, but all depends on the way we maintain our teeth. Tooth loss is something that can affect anyone at any point of time due to various reasons. It can be due to old age, result of an accident and even due to some medical conditions.

With recent times treating tooth loss has become very easy with Restorative dentistry, which is a medical procedure that works towards restoring the condition of your teeth. New York city hosts a number of clinics that work towards helping out people who suffer from any kind of dental problems. In the case of a restorative procedure, it must be done at the earliest as it could lead to being deteriorative. A professional restorative dentist works towards restoring any defect that you may be having in your teeth. Your lost tooth can be restored with a procedure called Dental implant. In dental implant, titanium is placed at the jawbone to facilitate the growth of artificial teeth in place of the missing teeth.

It should be noted that tooth loss could affect one’s speech, social life as well as eating habits. You must make sure you have healthy teeth as it will only help you both internally as well as externally. For more information about dentist new york city, Lumineers new york, Lumineers nyc visit:

Monday, March 2, 2009

Local dentist visits area schools during National Children's Dental Health Month

WESTFIELD--February is national Children's Dental Health Month (NCDHM), a month-long celebration sponsored by the American Dental Association to promote dental education and awareness for all children.

The annual celebration focuses on oral hygiene care, nutritional concerns, prevention, and the importance of regular dental visits.

"By helping children develop a positive attitude and healthy habits, we will provide the tools they need to maintain good oral health throughout their lives and to keep their smiles healthy and beautiful," said Dr. Scott Gersch.

In observance of NCDHM, Dr. Scott Gersch, and his dental team from Gersch Orthodontics, visited a number of elementary schools in Westfield, Cranford, Garwood and Linden and spoke to grades one through four about dental health and maintaining a beautiful smile.

For more information, or to schedule Dr. Gersch to visit your school or organization, contact Gersch Orthodontics at (908) 233-8668 or

New source : Local dentist visits area schools during National Children's Dental Health Month